Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Web Site, First Sale!

Another big week. We've just launched our completely revamped web site. And quickly after that, we registered our first sale! Hope to hear from many of you to get reactions to the new site.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Festival: A Huge Hit!

Domestic violence notables arrive for Film Fest.

Just got back to NY from the Minneapolis - St. Paul International Film Festival, where "Power and Control" made its theatrical debut yesterday. It all went well -- full house, warm response, good reviews in the local press, humongous article in the morning paper about Ellen Pence (prominently mentioning the film). So it went well. Damn near perfect.

Best part was after the show. Ellen Pence had very considerately booked a room at a nearby restaurant. Ellen's entourage (including such dignitaries as Michael Paymar, Ellen's mom, and Ellen's sister) crowded around a massive table, munching on pad thai, interrupted occasionally by Ellen clinking on a glass to make a toast.

My main priority at the moment is to post some of the picture we took at the fest, which I think I'll do on Facebook.

In the meantime, some quick links:

Article on Ellen Pence in the Star Tribune.

Article in Minnesota Post. Review quote we will extract: "Equally a useful primer on aspects of domestic violence and a purely harrowing story (with a walloping twist), "Power and Control" is highly recommended."

Review in City Pages. Review quote: "A stark reminder that this kind of violence is all around us."

More photos posted at our Facebook group.

Monday, April 5, 2010

"Power and Control" opens at Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival

After more than two years in production, our documentary about domestic violence in America premieres in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Sun., April 18, 4:45 p.m., at the St. Anthony Main Theater. More information and tickets here.

It's fitting to open the film in Minnesota. Most of the story takes place in Duluth. In addition, two of our primary subjects, Ellen Pence and Michael Paymar, live in The Cities. These two great American activists were co-founders of the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, 30 years ago.

Today Ellen continues to work full time in domestic violence. She was a prime mover behind a new domestic violence policy in St. Paul, called The Blue Print, that was just announced last week. Michael is a seven-term legislator representing St. Paul.